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Johanna Isabel Barriga Fray
Michael John McCandless

There are thousands of non-native English speakers around the world. The use of a wide variety of dialects, registers, and other characteristics of language such as idiomatic expressions can cause lots of misunderstandings in people when they interact among one another. For that reason, American Idioms have to be taken into account as a crucial part in the development of English Language competence. It is a necessity that non-native speakers of English become aware and proficient in using English idiomatic expressions. However, many English learners, especially most of Ecuadorians, lack the competence to use them properly. This paper aims to show the effects of using American idioms in the development of speaking skills by L2 learners. Thereby, this research was carried out in a university in Ecuador with a population of 30 students. Quasi-experimental research was applied where one group was exposed to the language that native English speakers usually use. In addition, field research was carried out through instruments such as an observation checklist. Finally, the data analysis showed that those L2 students exposed to American idioms had subsequently increased their speaking skill.


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Cómo citar
Barriga Fray, J. I., & McCandless, M. J. (2021). The effects of using American idioms in the development of the speaking skill in L2 students. Horizontes. Revista De Investigación En Ciencias De La Educación, 4(16), 432–438. (Original work published 26 de diciembre de 2020)
Biografía del autor/a

Johanna Isabel Barriga Fray, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato, Ecuador

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación: Profesora de Idiomas: inglés, Docente de inglés en la Unidad Educativa “Carlos Cisneros” y en la actualidad Docente de inglés en el Centro de Idiomas en la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Ha realizado ponencias en el área de lingüística aplicada al idioma inglés. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato, Ecuador.

Michael John McCandless, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato, Ecuador

Masters in Secondary Education. California Administrative Services Credential- 10 years experience as school administrator in US and Ecuador. Professor in Master’s Program at PUCESA and PUCESI. Professor in School of Education at Universidad Central del Ecuador. Professor of EFL at PUCE and CEC-EPN. California K-8 Teaching Credential -22 years teaching experience across grade levels from elementary through university. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato, Ecuador

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