Effectiveness of Total Physical Response in English speaking skill in EFL beginners
Contenido principal del artículo
The principal objective of this qualitative research was to determine the effectiveness of using Total Physical Response (TPR) to develop speaking skill in beginner’s learners in a rural school. This study was applied using action research method, which involved observation, planning and implementation. The process was carried out in five-week classes during the term November 2019-January 2020 with 26 students from 7th grade at “Belisario Quevedo” Rural School. The instruments used were structured and unstructured checklist and teacher`s diary. The results showed TPR is effective to develop speaking skill in EFL beginners. Students could use English to communicate with their partners and the teacher using basic vocabulary, correct pronunciation and some fluency after applying the method. As a conclusion, Total Physical Response helped beginners to get familiar with the language and learn English with the use of movements, mimics and gestures, making students produce English to communicate.
Detalles del artículo
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